Link Between Medication Adherence and PAP Therapy

Many patients with sleep apnea may also be on medication for other conditions. Understanding how a patient’s existing medication adherence habits can influence their success with PAP therapy is crucial for optimizing their overall care.

The study explores the possibility that patients who are already accustomed to taking medications regularly may be more likely to stick with PAP therapy. This finding could have significant implications for improving treatment outcomes and patient quality of life.

Overall, this research highlights the potential for the healthy user effect—health-conscious people that follow medical advice tend to be healthier and have better outcomes—in both observational studies and clinical trials.

We encourage all APAPP members to explore this insightful research. The knowledge gained can help you tailor your approach to sleep apnea patients and potentially improve their adherence to PAP therapy.

Access the full article here:

The Association of Pulmonary Advanced Practice Providers (APAPP) works to advance the profession of APPs in Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine. We actively seek out opportunities from trusted organizations like JCSM to help educate our members on news in our field.


This post was published by The APAPP staff on behalf of the author(s) – listed above.