
Pulmonary Hypertension

One Year of APAPP Podcasts

Happy 1st Birthday, APAPP Podcast! We are thrilled to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the APAPP Podcast! Over the past year, our host has guided us through numerous enlightening topics related to both clinical practice and career development within the field.


PH Awareness Month

As many APAPP Members already know, November is Pulmonary Hypertension Awareness Month. The Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA) has deemed this year’s theme […]


What’s new in pulmonary hypertension: 2023

About the Episode The Queen of all things Pulmonary Hypertension, Martha Kingman Nurse Practitioner from UTSW PH Clinic,  reviews her insights on [...]

Complexity of the Evaluation and Diagnosis of Pulmonary Hypertension

Pulmonary hypertension is a rare condition, and even rarer is pulmonary arterial hypertension.